Your budget goes a lot further if you use renting as your equipment acquisition strategy. In fact, a 36-month contract allows you to stretch your money almost three times as far, and given the current state of the economy, now is the best moment ever to lock in your technology spending. Isn’t it appealing to think of interest rates that are fixed at one percent for three years?
Your budget goes a lot further if you use renting as your equipment acquisition strategy. In fact, a 36-month contract allows you to stretch your money almost three times as far, and given the current state of the economy, now is the best moment ever to lock in your technology spending. Isn’t it appealing to think of interest rates that are fixed at one percent for three years?
Do you currently have a particular project, training, or conference going on? Do you require new equipment to support your company’s expansion? AVID’s New Equipment Rental Plan got you covered.
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